The TIME Before the Community Feast…
Now, not so long ago but looking towards the past I was engaged in a series of meetings. Of which the details my team and I were searching for are still enigmatic at best. Still, the mission was a thrill, and had challenged the very essence of what exploration was all about. This brought numbers of problems and lists of logistical nightmares. But, we maintained our vision, our dream to understand ALL lands. We were in Marfleet, Hull, and our mountaineer had fallen ill on the eve of the final stretch. We had to leave him, bed bound, sick. Poor man.
Needless my good friend Steve, an expert diver and marine ecologist, and as a avid Amazonian guide offered little on this expedition… A journey for answers, we were ill-prepared for.
The concrete, stony earth beneath our feet lashed Steve’s soles, ripping the very rubber off the flippers the man has not parted with in decades. Since he was born, I understand. Steve and I continued to search for softer ground.
We reached out to the indigenous people, and a kind man in a large vehicle stopped his transport, it carried a number of strangers, facing forwards, unspeaking. We asked him for entry to Marfleet, and he had us offer him some ‘coins’. And with a sophisticated machine reciprocated the exchange with a paper offering. I took it gladly. Thanking him profusely. I believe these gifts of paper hold the key to our success! In writing it symbolised the very day and time of our exchange equated to an amount, the ‘coins’ I used? Fascinating.
For now I must leave this here. Another time, certainly!